The social media has an impact on every part of your life. Though this wasn’t the case once ,but today , public approval matters a lot . Likes , comments ,tags is something so common among youngsters. Moreover ,the social media is just one tool used for marketing and promotion purpose. Out of the various social media handles , Instagram is one of the most common . An app that allows you to share the loads of photographs , having your own account. And this surely serves as an advertisement to photographers . Photographers all over the world ,have one common platform to share their work. This is turn ,is viewed by other like minded individuals and serves as inspiration to those passionate photographers who would like to advance to the next level. Here are a few tips that photographers using Instagram must keep in mind:-
- Select your target audience
Your target audience will be your clients ,followers of your fellow individual professionals and competition . You need to interact with them on a frequent basis. If you are not targeting the right audience ,you are not doing it right.
- Using appropriate hashtags
Hashtags in social media are essential. They help connect multiple users on a common idea. This will thereby increase acess to your account. Get hashtags that cater to your target audience. Make sure your hashtags are unique and not common words ,to ensure that they are not already in use. Put that at the end of your post . Limit it to around 15 to 30 hashtags and not more.
- Keep your posts consistent and should be of good quality
Also , your posts should contain some high quality content. Your posts should include content that is short and amazing ,a little humour did no one any harm. It should be relevant and relatable and keep the viewer engaged. At times , switch to posting videos instead of pictures. Maintain a consistent style . This will help clients know what you have to offer them and if it matches their expectations. Because someone who visits your profile ,will only view the first few and only then scroll through.
- Keep your account public and bio neat
Your bio is something a visitor will first look at keep bio simple ,short and neat . Only add important and relevant details . When you use Instagram for business purpose always keep it public ,so anyone can access your account. Your email address will help users get in touch with you.
- Stay active
You have to stay active and check your profile often. Replying to comments , queries is necessary. Moreover ,you should check your messages ,just in case they are from your clients. Creating contests ,can be a way of keeping readers engaged and also promoting your page.
Instagram serves as a kind of exposure to viewers and a drive to do better.
However ,it can have negative impact when you do not get the followers, likes and recognition you expected. Also ,there is no guarantee of privacy online.